I didn’t floss for ten days. My gums are aching. When I was housesitting, I forgot my floss. I really like flossing my teeth. It makes me feel really clean and my gums like it. I always floss before I brush. When I’ve flossed after, I always find a huge chunk of food that didn’t quite get found by my toothbrush. It’s disgusting, but reiterates the fact I need to floss.

I’ve read studies about how healthy teeth reflect a healthy heart. My mom’s side of the family is heart-disease city, and my dad lost all his teeth at a young age, so I’m a bit fanatical about tooth care. I loved my dad, but really don’t want to inherit his touch-my-tongue-to-my nose-trick-when-my-teeth-are-out. Although the grandkids used to love it.

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