One of my friends is going through a hard time today. And even though this might very well be one of the worst days of her life, I am very proud of her. Over the last several years, there have been circumstances and choices made in her life, that have pretty much taken her down to the bottom where the rocks hang out. She doesn’t live near me, so it’s been really hard to communicate with her during this time. Sometimes it’s not the easiest thing in the world to pick up the phone or answer a call when you’re not having your best day now.

During my last visit her, I wanted to cry the entire time we talked. Not because I was sad for her, but because I was so happy. I have prayed for her for years to really know Christ—to experience the peace that passes understanding, and to finally be free to be the beautiful, amazingly intelligent and gifted woman God has created her to be.

Her grandmother was a very precious woman who glowed the love of God, and after she died, I felt like I needed to make an extra effort to pray for her, since her grandmother wouldn’t be around to intercede for her. I have to admit, I haven’t always done the best job of being her prayer intercessor. Sometimes I get consumed with my own life, and neglect to lift up her needs. Thank goodness God’s time keeping is different than mine!

On that last visit, my friend shared with me her love of the Lord, her extreme dependence on the Lord, and how she finally felt like the hole inside of her had been filled. Since I’ve known her since I was very small, I’ve seen the good days in her life, and I’ve seen very hard times in her life. Today might be one of those days, but I praise God that she won’t have to turn to any person, substance, or anything, because she has the great comforter soothing all those formerly anxious places.

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