This weekend, I turned left from Westheimer to Kirby. The signal light was a nice green and then quickly turned yellow as I entered the lane, and perhaps was red as I was midway through. As my memory recollected a camera-type device that was perched atop the traffic light, I began to turn green, yellow, and then red, much like a kid that ate something in Willy Wonka’s candy factory.

Hopefully, I’m safe because I checked the map today of the most recently posted cameras. I don’t know if I agree with this Big Brother system or not. For starters, it takes away cops’ self-esteem and sense of victory. What cop doesn’t love catching someone running a traffic light? And then, what else are those cameras picking up? Am I going to get a photo of myself in the mail from the River Oaks Police for improper usage of a finger while driving ("If you can see in the photo called Exhibit A, I’m really just scratching my nose")? [okay, okay, that was gross, but I’ve seen plenty of people committing that offense.]

Houston does have a million and one people that enter intersections on red lights which is very, very dangerous. So, I guess I’ll let the city test this new method. And I’ll do my best to be a safe driver--especially in areas with cameras.

This entry was posted on Monday, May 21, 2007 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Laurie said...

    Just so ya know...the city only tickets those drivers who enter the intersection after the light has turned red. The cameras take pictures of every incident and a police officer reviews each picture to determine whether or not the driver actually entered the intersection on a red light.

    Just some info from your friendly neighborhood reporter. :)

  1. ... on 1:53 PM  
  2. Ulovebeth said...

    Do the police get to eat doughnuts while they're reviewing the pics? I'm really worried about the cops being bored. What fun is it to be a cop if you don't get to turn on the blue light special?

    I keep thinking of all the scenarios that might force me to run the light, and then I would be stuck with a ticket. Carjackers, needing to go to the bathroom, etc.

  3. ... on 2:17 PM  
  4. Me said...

    one other bit of news I heard about the cameras the other day - some group had a bill passed and if the city can't prove that the cameras are making our intersections safer (i.e. fewer accidents are happening because people know they are there and quit running red lights), they may all be removed. Don't know when that deadline might be.

  5. ... on 2:58 PM  
  6. Anonymous said...

    I think the law is if your front tires are over the white line before it turns red then it is not running the light.

    I do find it ironic that they are reporting more rear-end accidents from people slamming on their brakes to avoid running the light

    and Beth... what's a ticket if your going to be carjacked... plus you get the opportunity to appeal the tickets in court... sounds like a viable excuse to me... they might even get your assultants on camera

  7. ... on 9:16 AM