Holidays come and holidays go. As Americans, we've morphed our holidays until the once joyous and meaningful occasion becomes a feast of burden. We ask ourselves: Are the decorations festive enough? Do we have plenty of deviled-eggs? Did I buy the holiday label-covered soft-soap? Sometimes amidst all the celebration we've lost the meaning.

Easter is getting closer. I don't usually "celebrate" Easter with my family. I don't have time off from work, so most of the time, I stay in Texas and spend time with dear friends. I dabble in candy. And one year, I bought an Easter egg dying kit, that I later sold at a yard sale for a quarter.

The true meaning of Easter--when I take the time to think about it--blows my mind.

Speaking of explosions, what if that's how Easter happened? [stay with me for an Easter action dramatization] I keep envisioning what it would look like if God had blown the stone away from the tomb instead of rolled it away.

I can picture maybe a group of bunnies hopping by and then KABOOM!!! Jesus is alive!! And the bunnies get blown way up in the air, but they land softly, but stunned, and just kind of hop away. If that's how it really happened, it would make me feel better about eating chocolate bunnies, because it would fit into the real meaning of Easter and everytime I ate a bunny, I would remember Jesus' re-entry.

I was looking through the gospels the other day reading the accounts of the cross and Jesus' death. I read about how everything went dark at noon, the curtain of the temple was torn in half, and people that had been dead started walking around town!

Matthew 27
51At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. 52The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus' resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people.

I get so used to reading the story, that I forget that I really don't need to envision bunnies being blown up into the air, because the Bible already is an action-adventure--I just forget to be an active reader.

Hope you have a hoppy Easter! May God continue to blow your mind with the gift of his Son as your Savior.

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