I think that Bravo is one of my favorite cable TV networks. I wish I could make up my own network, and it would just show my favorite shows. Oh yeah, I guess that's the purpose of TiVo.

The Actor's Studio totally engrosses me. I believe it offers the most authentic interview with actors that can happen. Strange details of their lives are uncovered. Today, on the 200th episode, the host, James Lipton, had Dustin Hoffman crying by card 8. Hoffman accused Lipton of being Barbara Walters. It was completely fabulous to see an actor without a mask or a character to hide behind.

James Lipton is just completely hilarious. "If there is a heaven, what would you say to St. Peter?" "What's your favorite word?" He asks the same questions to about everybody. I wonder how it makes the actor feel. The interview just isn't about a current project, but about the road of his/her life.

I kind of wish I could be on the show. Although it seems a little intimidating because it would be like a therapy session in front of an audience that is broadcast out into the millions of homes that make up TV land. And I do believe there is a heaven, but I don't believe it's about what I say when I get there. And I don't really have a favorite word. Maybe "love" or something like "esophogogastroduodenoscopy".

This entry was posted on Sunday, July 16, 2006 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    palomita said...

    I love that show too! I've only caught it a couple of times, but I feel the same way you do...it seems more genuine than any other interview.

  1. ... on 6:22 AM