Why do people in the parking garage at work who have unassigned places park in the same place every day?
I noticed a similar phonemenon when I was a teacher and didn't assign students seats. They normally would sit in the same general area everyday, and basically unconsciously assign themselves a seat.
Perhaps sameness is comforting. And I suppose sometimes our cars park in that work spot a little more often than they do in their place at home or anywhere else.
I have this vision that I'll be able to run strange reports in heaven--like track my patterns on the earth. I guess the Garmin watch would do that for me, but I don't really want to attach a GPS device to my body. I prefer to live free.

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This entry was posted on Friday, October 24, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Erin said...

    I don't necessarily park in the exact same spot, but I do park in the same general area everyday. That way, I can always find my car at the end of the day! :-)

  1. ... on 1:23 PM  
  2. Ulovebeth said...

    That's a very good point. Maybe it's challenging for the brain to mix it up...or maybe it's just annoying to never remember where you parked.

  3. ... on 3:12 PM