I drink a lot of water. More than the average bear. And when I don't, I get really thirsty. Actually, I get parched very easily. I think I've built up my water tolerance to such a high level, that if I don't stay super-hydrated I get really thirsty.

Years ago, I had a water bottle that had a name, Mr. Sippy. It was back in the 90s when paint pens were the rage, so I drew a happy face on my water bottle, and he came to life.

Mr. Sippy traveled everywhere with me. As a camp counselor, all the campers knew Mr. Sippy and made sure I didn't lose him. When I became a teacher, I would take Mr. Sippy out on the playground while the kids played in the sun. One day, I forgot to bring Mr. Sippy inside from recess. A few days later, I found Mr. Sippy's lid lying on top of a pile of trash. I found his main body in another location in the dust. It was a tragic day. I couldn't use Mr. Sippy for my water bottle anymore. It wasn't the same.

Yes, this is a weird story about a girl and her water bottle. Perhaps I was a little old to have a problem with a bottle attraction. But I needed to tell Mr. Sippy's story.

I have a Nalgene bottle now. I refuse to ever put a face on a bottle again. No one can ever replace Mr. Sippy.

(For those of you who know the complete story, yes, there was Mrs. Sippy. But I never felt like Mrs. Sippy had the same love of life that Mr. Sippy did.)

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