Apparently, my home state is now the Fro-Zone. Last week an ice storm hit the Commonwealth of Kentucky and attached its beautiful trees with tenacity. Through the wonders of cell phone technology, I've heard reports of cracking trees and power lines--and an utter shutdown of power in the state.

Kentucky is unique in that it is truly a temperate climate. Kentucky experiences hot summers, and sometimes severe winters. This winter is exemplifying the area's diverse climate.

My mom came to visit me several days ago (our rule is that we don't count them), and she hasn't left. Her original flight was supposed to leave last Thursday, but her plans quickly got rearranged since her home and surrounding areas had no power. We kept hearing horror stories of how our relatives were living like unprepared pioneers. So, we rescheduled the flight to leave on Sunday morning, but decided to move it again since the latest news was no power yet.

For now, she is scheduled to leave this Thursday. She's been pretty much shut in my apartment. I did manage to put together a nice selection of cleaning supplies for her so she can de-dirt my living environment, and thank goodness for the $14.95/month cable special so she has HGTV. She has also overcome a technological obstactle and can work the "On Demand" cable function with ease.

I keep telling her to keep quiet about the 60s/70s temperatures we are having to the folks at home. And she definitely better not tell how sometimes the furnace gets her room too hot at night. She doesn't want to make enemies with those that are spending there nights freezing.

Please pray for the power guys (who have been getting lots of overtime the last several months!), and pray for people to be wise with generators and alternative heating methods. Pray for neighbors to be neighborly and for God to be glorified in the communities. (For those of us in Houston, just think Ike on ice.)

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