Almost a year ago, I had one of the most horrifying experiences of my life. I accidentally sent a guy friend a text message that was supposed to be to my old college roommate. The message said something like, “I’m in training all day. No food. I love [insert his first and last name here].” I was concentrating so hard on spelling his name right in the text, I sent it to him. I was horrified. Mortified. All of the above.
I’ve given advice before that when you love someone, you have to tell them. Romantic love is quite a tricky thing, though. It’s a delicate balance—or a delicate dance where you don’t want to step on toes or be doing the wrong dance. The guy might be doing the Macarena by himself, and you really want to waltz, and it’s just not going to happen. But you just don’t know!
Proverbs 27:5 says this, “Better is open rebuke than hidden love.”
So does that mean you just tell someone? Scary. I can tell my family and friends very easily, but the romantic love puts a whole new spin on things. I’m not sure what the verse means. In the words of the great philosopher Belinda Carlisle, my lips are sealed.
Erin said...
Beth, I remember you telling me about this when it happened. I don't think I ever got the update on what he said, what happened, etc. I'm guessing that update may not be something to discuss on the blog... so maybe we should finally make our schedules align... :-)
Jimmy, Jennifer, Evelyn June and Arun Bradbury said...
And conference me into that meeting when it takes place, please.
By the way, I'm curious to hear about the possible life direction you might be getting. Does it involve text messaging?
Ulovebeth said...
Of course you'll be in that meeting!
Well, since the "incident" I have forgiven the text messaging process, and have actually bought a text messaging package. It still makes me nervous, and I try not to post text that could be used against me in a court of law, or People magazine (like K-Fed).