Why couldn't we be closed today? The only time in history, besides for flooding, we could have a chance at having a day off, and we didn't get it. Did they flip a coin for closures and our business lost?
Apparently, this is where I need to be today. I will make the most of it. I will be happy about it.
Did that sound convincing?
Apparently, this is where I need to be today. I will make the most of it. I will be happy about it.
Did that sound convincing?
Laurie said...
I don't know if this will make you feel any better or not, but pretty much any day that allows other people to be off is a day that I automatically have to work. If there is disaster, danger, hardship or extreme weather conditions involved I am required to show up at work. I love my job.
Ulovebeth said...
Do you work for the post office?
I was thinking about you. You are an essential employee. :)
I send e-mails and print out random letters.
I'll stop complaining because the heat is free and more efficient at work than in my apt. And who can forget the high speed internet connection? yeah! I'm at work! :)