Ignore the grammar.

10/21 Went to Midland. Smelled the sweet smell of crude oil. Drove to Big Spring. Went to a funeral for my best friend’s dad. Spent time with her family. Made new friends. Looked at the stars and sighed. Played UNO with the kids. Hugged a lot of people. Ate so much food I gained about 5 pounds. Picked up a strong accent.
10/23 Got up at 3 a.m. Drove back to Midland airport. Got frisked at 4:30 a.m. Caught a plane. Picked up my car. Went to work. Had too many meetings. Came home. Yelled at the dog for barking at my door. Ate too much trail mix for dinner. Worked out on new Y equipment. Went to Whole Foods. Read my bible and then a magazine. Talked on the phone. Went to bed.
10/24 Overslept after hitting snooze five times. Ate trail mix for breakfast in the car. Declared 9:30 p.m. official shut-off time for cell phone. Went to meetings. Ate lunch. Got a hot tea from Starbucks. And time goes on…

Last night I was listening to an old sermon from The Village Church while I was at the Y working out. And in the sermon, the speaker said, “Do you ever feel like you’re on a treadmill? And that you’re trying to distract yourself with everything else to not think about the fact that you’re on a treadmill?” I was on a treadmill. Dude. That’s weird.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2006 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Erin said...

    Beth, you are so great...

    That's all.

  1. ... on 1:32 PM  
  2. Ulovebeth said...

    Can you come work out with me at the Y sometime this week? I can take a guest for free, and I need to pawn off your jedi-like trainer skills that you've learned from your jedi-exerice-master (aka personal trainer). :)

  3. ... on 2:04 PM  
  4. Erin said...

    Would love to. I'm booked this week, but maybe Tuesday or Wednesday next week? Have your people call my people & set a date. ;-)

  5. ... on 4:21 PM  
  6. Todd Richards said...

    That last part is fantastic. I have heard that sermon, and it would have been so much better if I had been on a treadmill.

  7. ... on 4:11 PM