I've gained ten pounds this year. It was composed of cupcakes, lattes, pizza, and whatever else entered my piehole. I've been running and working out like normal, but the weight still has decided to camp out on my body.

I think every person in the world that has tried to lose a pound, has had the trying experience of getting one little number to change on the scale, and finally seeing it move, and then after eating an extra fry, ta-da! It's back!

Weightloss seems simple. Eat less. Move more. Get skinny. But it excludes things like break-ups, make-ups, job functions, birthday parties, holidays, emergency fast-food, red cups, movies, gelato, aging, etc. Food is fun and tasty. I don't want to not enjoy life, but I also miss my pants fitting.

Since my Roku arrived, I have added being a TV junkie to my list of reasons why pounds seem to be clinging right now. I can't stop watching episodes of 30 Rock. I literally say to myself, "Okay...just one more hit..." I have an addiction.

In the second season, Jenna, one of the show's stars, gained a large amount of weight over the summer. She debates plastic surgery, until she realizes that her accidental quote of the phrase, "Me want food!" makes her a media maven. She realizes that she has to stay fat in order to capitalize on the new found fame. People love her fat.

Since watching that show, I've decided to embrace a chunkier me for awhile. I even quoted, "Me want food!" to myself once today. But this is also a plea of help out there to any local peeps who see me growing too quickly before their eyes. If I get to the point I need an intervention, I give you the right to make it happen.

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