I'm leaving on a jetplane this evening. I'm taking a quick trip to visit family and the friends I can catch.

My main goal is to be in the airport early so I can sip a Starbucks and read my bible, but I don't know if traffic will create such a luxurious situation.

On the way back, I'll be bringing two suitcases since I left my bag at my mom's house last time I was home.

It's hard living away from family sometimes. The worst part is how quickly the kids you leave behind grow. I try to go home about four times a year. If I had a learjet, I would go home once a month--to better chart the kids growth.

I always fly because the trip is 15 hours. It's not a fun trip to drive. Flying takes about two hours. It's kind of ironic that my mom's driving time to pick me up is the same as my flying time.

Anyway, thank God for airplanes.

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