If I were President of the US, my platform would be:
1. Stores and businesses would close on Sunday. I would call it the Chick-fil-a method. If all things are opened all the time, production might seem to be higher, but the output wouldn't be as quality if the employees never took time to rest.
2. Marriage counseling would be tax-deductible.
3. I would expand the Teach for America program. The lessons learned from being a teacher (if you survive) are invaluable.
4. Cash values would be placed on recycling aluminum cans and bottles for the whole US, instead of just limited to Michigan (or whatever states are listed--never one that I'm in!).
5. Celebrities tabloid magazines would be taxed (kind of like tobacco).
6. Research dollars would be spent on alternative ways to use tobacco (gotta get the KY economny up!). :)
7. No Child Left Behind would be changed to "Let's Just Make Sure They Can At Least Read and Add."
8. A standard test for all schools would be given, once a year, and it would not be used as a guide for school funding, and no special testing curriculum would be taught in schools. The money formerly spent on all no. 2 pencils and test guides (and all time put toward those efforts) would be used to fund Music, Art, P.E. , and foreign language programs.
9. T.V. stations and internet would go off air/line at midnight and return to functioning at 5 a.m.
10. Senior Citizens would be able to earn extra money for food and travel by volunteering at schools, hospitals, libraries, and On Star. (I just made up the On Star thing. Just seeing if you're reading today!)
What would you propose as the big cheese?
AyDubb said...
Beth, I'd gladly stage a write-in campaign if we could get that No Child Left Standing issue taken care of!