I love my church peeps at HFBC.
When I moved to Houston, I was in major need of friends. Not just feeling a bit lonely—I was in the pits of despair. I was reading my old journal the other day and one thing I wrote to myself to always remember after that time had passed, was the feeling of desperately needing a friend.
I have been over-blessed with friends in my life, but when I moved to Houston, I felt pretty alone. My father was dying, my mom was in survival mode, and I was in shock. I had moved from Asheville to Kentucky to Houston in a period of a month. Houston’s First Baptist Church and Summit Ministries proved to have a huge role in encouraging me during that time, and giving me the resources and fellowship to help me grow spiritually. It was like I had rediscovered the spiritual spark that God had blessed me with in college—complete with lots of shared giggling and everything!
My first friends are still some of the same friends I have now. My friend, Ann, likes to tell the story about how she invited me over to spend the night, and I talked to her for about 3 hours straight. Apparently, I had a lot to share. (It’s kind of a good thing I’m remembering this today about Ann showing kindness to me, because tonight, I’ll be beginning an extended weekend stay at her home with her two dogs.)
Click for a fun Valentine's Day treat.