-I don’t like Louis Vuitton bags. I don’t think they really match anything (what color are they anyway? Brown? Green?) and the money could be used to buy a much cuter bag, or save the world.
-I thought about giving a random male customer at the post office my phone number because he helped translate for a man that was trying to buy water, helped a lady find the trashcan, was mailing Houston postcards to Spain, and then, he smiled at me sweetly.
-The lobby piano player at one of the hospitals and I have been exchanging smiles for about 2 years now. Today, he was playing some beautiful music, and I was trying to peer from a distance over his shoulder to read the title, and I ran into a trash can.
-In my daypack, I have a bible study book, a bible, and the new Victoria’s Secret swimsuit catalog. I accidentally brought the catalog in my bag today. I have a fear I’ll get hit by a car, and the contents of my bag will be included in the accident report.
-I'm worried about the writer's strike. What if they bring back Circus of the Stars?
Jimmy, Jennifer, Evelyn June and Arun Bradbury said...
I love the way your mind works. And the way you're able to share it with all of us. So, so funny. And real.
Erin said...
As for the potential accident... it would just demonstrate that even good girls want to be sexy. ;-)
Ulovebeth said...
Jen- I can't wait to read your book. I haven't purchased one yet, but I can't wait.
YOU ARE A PUBLISHED AUTHOR. Wow. Now, you can tell people you are a full-time mom and a writer. :)
Erin- I can totally tell you are an engaged girl. Mind out of the gutter! ;)