I acquired some new items recently from a recently deceased relative's relative of a friend's husband. Yes, confusing. And yes, a bit strange. The recent widower had too many things left from his wife and wanted to see if someone could use them, so my friend and I sorted through some of the items. I picked out some earrings, shoes, a few jackets, a purse, and some shoes.
It does feel a bit bizarre that I never met this woman while she was living. And it does make me think about the things I buy--and realize that they are just temporary things.
Sometimes when I shop, I try to get a bit mathematical. I use an intrinsic formula to figure up wear time of a item compared with actual cost. Sometimes I also throw in factors like the importance of the occasion.
Once, I accidentally sent someone a text message that I loved them, and the person was of the opposite gender of myself. The original text was intended for my best friend to just state to her that I loved this person, but then somehow in the process of working so hard to spell this person's name correctly, I sent the text to that individual. I tried a post text to cover it up, but knew that it was probably not successful.
I knew the next time I saw this person, I needed to look very good, so it was no holds barred for shopping that time. Luckily, the skirt I bought turned out to be one of my top favorite clothing items of all time.
Sometimes, you get lucky with what could be a once-in-a-lifetime outfit--and it becomes the outfit of a lifetime. Too bad that's not true about bridesmaid dresses. The cost/wear time never balances out correctly for those.