My sister is a dietician and has become somewhat of an organic food junkie. The more she studies food facts, the more she finds that the way the typical American eats is very, very unhealthy. It’s not always our fault. We think we’re making good choices based on what the latest study says. It’s hard to separate fact from fiction in the food business; sometimes it seems like a huge conspiracy. The latest “healthy choice” could be just another marketing ploy (i.e. remember these labels everywhere on food: “fat free” and “low-carb,” and now “no trans-fats”).
Things that she told me to look for on labels: WHOLE WHEAT (not unbleached). Stay away from: PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED SOYBEAN OIL and HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. Be on the lookout for that terrible twosome. (For the lady that’s eating Yoplait right now, it’s in there. Put down the spoon and buy Stoneyfield or the new Dannon Naturals. Also, HFCS is in most Kellogg’s cereals.) And just because something is labeled “no trans-fat” doesn’t mean it is. Traces of trans-fats don’t have to be claimed on labels.
Basically, from what I understand, eating these things changes our cell structure. Trans-fats can make our cell structure mushy. Because I did not master high-school chemistry, I can’t quite understand all the processes, I just know it’s bad.
I haven’t even gotten started on pesticides. But I must stop obsessing for a minute, and go eat some food that will probably destroy my cells.
I was going to blog about Kefir, but I got sidetracked. Basically, eat Kefir. It’s good for you. Spread the word. It’s probably not great to eat the kind with sugar in it, but it’s good. It tastes like drinkable yogurt.